The more sex partners you have, the more likely you are to be exposed to sexually transmitted viruses. Some of these can cause cancers of the head and neck, cervix , penis and anus, as well as AIDS and AIDS-related cancers.
Alcohol In about 7 percent of males and 3 percent of females—about 4 percent of people overall—alcohol can lead to cancers in the head and neck, the larynx and possibly the liver and pancreas. Alcohol consumption also has a strong relationship with smoking, a combination that greatly increases the risk for cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus.
Tobacco Smoke Despite the claims of the tobacco industry, there is no longer any question about the causal relationship between smoking and cancer. The link has been established statistically since 1950, though it was apparent long before that.
In the early years of the century lung cancer was a rare disease. There were probably not more than 400 or 500 cases each year. Some professors of medicine were advising their students as late as 1920 that they might see only one case of lung cancer in their professional careers. But when inhalable Burley Turkish tobaccos (which didn't cause excessive coughing) came on the market in 1912, smoking became much more popular.
By 1950, when the first report relating smoking and lung cancer was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, there were 18,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the U.S. By 1982, there were 111,000. In